Book trailer for "Sewing in a Straight Line" by Brett Bara - - published by Potter Craft Filmed and animated by Rarebit Productions - follow us: ... I...
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Lire la suitej'espère que vous aurez autant de plaisir à le parcourir que j'en ai à vous le présenter.
Lire la suiteEnter your email address and we will notify you whenever we feature a New FREE Pattern. Since 1978 when she self-published her first book "Make a Quilt in a Day: Log Cabin Pattern," she has authored I think the hardest part of making a log cabin is deciding...
Lire la suiteI saw these sweet little acorns at one of my favourite gift shops a few weeks ago, and they inspired me to make my own. You know that moment when you pick them up in the store and really look at th... Осень и оранжевый цвет неразделимы. Мои же отношения...
Lire la suite partie une au dessus I really didn't need another pincushion. In fact, I made another one earlier this year, so I REALLY didn't need another. But I had this idea to make one that would...
Lire la suiteS Avoir un tas de vieux livres autour de la pose? Donnez-leur une nouvelle vie en créant des citrouilles uniques, parfait pour l'automne et décorations d'Halloween! Ceci est une excellente façon de donner une nouvelle vie à des livres qui tombent en dehors,...
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