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decouper vos boites

decouper vos boites

Make а cute box for your glasses, pencils or...why not?... jewelry, using a Pringles chips can. You will need: - big Pringles chips box; - thick cardboard; - colored paper; - beads ( as box's ... Poichè mi è stato chiesto un altro metro di legno per una...

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chocolat et banane

chocolat et banane

ÉTAPE 1Préchauffez le four th.6 (175ºC). ÉTAPE 2Battez les oeufs entiers avec le sucre et 1e zeste de citron au fouet électrique jusqu'à obtenir un mélange mousseux. ÉTAPE 3Retirez le fouet...

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merci aux nouvelles abonnees

merci aux nouvelles abonnees


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Day 15 of my 365 Days of tenting out Pinterest Pins ... "its no secret that I'm a big fan of glitter (and glitters cousin sequin" ... and that is the truth .. Iv been wanting to do this pin for a ...

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Un mini-quilt de 32 x 32 cm

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plein de formes et d idees

plein de formes et d idees

http://www.handmadiya.com/2015/09/quilts-zippered-pouch-tutorial.html http://www.handmadiya.com/2015/10/patchwork-cosmetic-bag.html http://www.handmadiya.com/2015/10/teddy-bear-quilt-bag-tutorial.html http://www.duitang.com/people/mblog/16876113/deta...

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votre chaise !!

votre chaise !!

You've found a charming chair at a flea market, but it lacks a seat. Not to worry: Fix it in no time by weaving a new one.

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transfert et redwork

transfert et redwork

This post contains affiliate links which are noted by asterisks. See here for full disclosure. It's themed tour Thursday and the theme this month is "Words/Letters". I'm a words, letters, graphics ...

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vachement bien

vachement bien

