Par feutrinesetpiqueaiguilles
Bring a piece of the seashore home with you to enjoy every day. All you need is sand, shells, candles and vases or drinking glasses. Pour a few inches of sand into each vessel, and push in a candle
Coastal chic decorating is by far one of the easiest decorating styles to achieve and is perfect for summer styling or for any time of the year... especially if you live at the beach. I made this ...
Germani Decor Tips or Tricks: Light up your Summer Night Party...
with Rainbow Glow Lights of the Deep Blue Sea Have you ever had a chance to experience the captivating glow of the mysterious jellyfish... those translucent creatures of the Deep Blue Sea... Well ...
How to Make Your Own Driftwood
Make Your Own Driftwood Wondering how you can make your own driftwood? We've got just the tutorial to show you how you can make driftwood at home. It takes a little time (give yourself a week), but
DIY Candle Holders {tutorial} - Four Generations One Roof
Last week I shared a few spaces in the model homes that I have been decorating. One of the center pieces I used in the dining room consisted of twisted sisal roping around a glass candle holder. DIY
easy craft idea {driftwood fish} - the space between
Who's planning to spend some time at the beach this summer? Would you believe it if I told you that we moved to Key West in January and I haven't been to the beach once? True story. That could have
Burton Avenue: (Cereal Box) Lighthouse Candle Holder
While searching for beach themed items to put on my seasonal shelf, I saw some lighthouse candle holders that I thought were really cute. Unfortunately, they were just an accessory in a product ...
Un tableau en relief " Zen " | | Au fil de l'eau - Bois flotté
Fournitures: - Une planche de 20 / 70 cm de large minimum - Plaque de médium - Petits galets et bois flotté - Vis et crochet rond - Papier verre fin - Colle à bois - Colle néoprène - Scie saut...
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